Denarius, type 1 (Saint Mar?)

Obverse legend
Reverse legend

Pi Rx Fr (the letters P and i under a tilde, the letters F and r also under another tilde, the letters R and x mixed, the letters F and also mixed).

SCI MAVR (the letters S, C and I under one tilde, the letters M, A, V and R also under another tilde, the letters M, A, V and R mixed).

Coin sold by OGN numismatique, link to the sale and their website:


OGN numismatique estimates that this currency was struck in one of these mints: ''Saint Marcel de Chalon-sur-Saône (Côte-d’Or), Saint Maurice de Tours ou Saint-Martin de Tours (Indre-et-Loire''. Read their full review on the linked page just above this paragraph.

G F XF 40 AU 58 MS 63 MS 65
1 4.500 6.000 8.000 12.000 ? ?