25 cents LINDAUER ''Cmes'' underlined

Obverse legend
Reverse legend

MF #30

Photo of a coin sold by NumisCorner, link to the sale and their website:


Année Atelier Tirage G F XF 40 AU 58 MS 63 MS 65
1 1914ESSAI--- - - - 300 450 700
2 1914941.133 --- 0.50 1 5 7 15
3 1915535.227 --- 0.50 1 5 7 15
4 191699.608 1 3 8 25 60 100
5 191765.038 5 10 40 75 120 250

Easy to complete the serie in MS 65, only the 1917 is problematic because more rare than other years.